Newer services

After much practice at basic poultry slaughter we can now offer a few “frills”, such as chickens or turkeys halved, or chickens cut into parts. Our skill atMuscovy ducks is growing, and duck slaughter is now a listed service.

We need to have a full day’s work if we are to cover costs, so have sometimes put out a call for roosters to make up the numbers. Recently we have had requests to slaughter and compost spent hens. This could also be done on days of low workload.

Our scales can print more than just the weight of each bird on the label. If you want your farm name or the price added please request that at the time of booking.

Lamb customers have sometimes asked for the head to be left on, the caul fat saved or one of the stomachs to be kept. All are possible with a little extra time and effort. Lamb fat has been saved for soapmaking and hides picked up for tanning.

Our first beef animal, a small steer was slaughtered on November 20th, a learning experience for all involved. Some modifications are needed before we book beef regularly. This is now being planned, and will be announced here. Early February would be the first possible date.