The 2020 season with all its challenges will soon be done. Thank you everyone for your business and to all our staff who have have worked hard to accommodate the additional demand this year.
Some important key dates:
- All poultry days for 2020 are now full.
- The abattoir will be closed from mid January to the beginning of March.
Its been a busy year for poultry with 1400 more birds processed than in 2019. All remaining poultry days are now full. Poultry processing will open up again in May 2021. We are already getting bookings for 2021. Given this year’s challenges with fitting everyone in on the days requested it’s important to BOOK EARLY! If we know what you are planning, we can make sure enough slaughter days are scheduled with the inspectors.
2021 Poultry processing fees will be posted on the website in April; those will be the prices charged regardless of when you booked.
Turkeys – Please note our poultry scale cannot weigh more than 30lbs. Any bird that dresses more than 30lbs will be considered “overweight” and charged an additional $10/bird.
Some people have not picked up their crates/bird carriers. Please do so as soon as possible. We will dispose of anything left at the abattoir after Dec 18.
Red Meat
Cutting instructions
Please be aware that completed cut and wrap instruction sheets are required for each animal being cut. These should be provided to staff when the animal is dropped off at the abattoir or at the latest the day following. This will allow time for clarifications, help ensure no mistakes are made, and not hold up the workflow because staff do not have all the information they need. In the interests of getting everyone’s livestock processed in the time available, staff have been instructed not to speak directly with your customers and to make the “Butcher Preferred Cut” if instructions are not clear when cutting starts for the day.
Links to the sheets can be found on the Prices page (
January Bookings
If there are animals that still need processing, we will open for red meet bookings the first week in January weather permitting. Please let us know asap if you still have animals to book in. Our next openings will be in March. Please keep an eye on the online calendar for exact dates.
Pricing for Pig Slaughter only
If it is only slaughter service that is booked and the carcass is not cut, the slaughter cost will be $100.
It now a requirement for pigs to have official ear tags or other means of ID when they arrive at the abattoir. The purpose is to be able to trace and contain outbreaks of disease (similar to COVID contact tracing). It applies to small scale meat production as well as large pig barns.
This is what you need to know if you raise pigs:
- You must be registered with PigTRACE
- Farms must have a Premises Identification Number (PID) before registering for PigTrace. If you don’t already have one contact a Premises ID Program Representative at the BC Ministry of Agriculture by phone (1-888-221- 7141) or email (, or visit their website at:
- More information about PigTRACE can be found here:
- Pigs going to slaughter must have either a:
- 5-digit herd mark number applied to the pig’s shoulder or back using commercial tattooing equipment OR non-toxic livestock spray paint and homemade stencil, or
- 5-digit PigTRACE Herd Mark ear tag, or
- 15-digit PigTRACE Individual ID ear tag (large or small tag)
- The 15-digit PigTRACE Individual ID ear tag must be used if sows or boars move from one farm to another farm
- Ear tags can be purchased by calling 1-866 -300-1835
Check out this new resource for small scale pork producers:
Salt Spring Meats Website
Please be aware that producers are encouraged to list on the salt spring meats website. This will not only hopefully help with your sales, but it will also help our staff respond to enquiries from people for products.
Latest news:
The Abattoir Society is working with the SSI Farmland Trust and SSI Community services with the intention of establishing a composting operation at the Burgoyne Valley Community Farm capable of handling abattoir waste. More announcements to come.
With the increased cases in BC, the guidelines and extra safety precautions are still very important to follow and the Abattoir will continue to operate following these rules. If you are sick, please arrange for someone else to bring (and pickup) your animals or birds to the abattoir.
Waste Management
If you require the use of the abattoir’s waste management containers, please pick them up by noon the following day at the latest and return them rinsed within 24hrs.