
February 2022 Newsletter

2022 Booking Calendar

Poultry slaughter days in 2022 will be Tuesdays with pick-up on Wednesdays.

Red Meat slaughter days in 2022 will be Thursday with pick-up on the following Friday.

Please note that we need a minimum number of animals (~150 Birds / ~15 Lambs) to open a day so please be aware that at less busy times of the year we might have to move a booking back or forward a week.

May & June Poultry Bookings

If you have already ordered chicks for early in the season, please send us your preferred processing dates now.  We have space on May 17 and could open a week earlier if there is enough demand. If you were hoping for the end of May or early June, we are already full. It may be possible to add a day if we can find the staff but there is no guarantee. Please remember to book well in advance – as soon as you order your chicks.

March & April Red Meat Bookings

Some of you have already requested bookings for early in the season. At this point it’s unlikely there will be red meat slaughter days before May, due to the progress of the expansion project, but we will let you know if anything changes. 


We will process turkeys on Tuesday Oct 4 (still space) & Thursday Oct 6 (almost full) so again if you don’t want to be disappointed book your turkey dates now.   Christmas dates will be announced in an upcoming newsletter.

Ducks and Geese

We have not yet figured out how to process ducks at a reasonable price without losing money so again this year we  are not taking bookings for waterfowl. But we are still looking into how to make it work and may be doing one or more experimental duck days later in the season.  Please keep an eye on more information in an upcoming newsletter.

Booking fees and number updates

Over the past few years, the abattoir has run a significant deficit on days where booked animals have not shown up.  To help the abattoir avoid losing money we are introducing a booking fee for all red meat and requiring poultry producers to provide updates on their numbers.

When your red meat bookings are confirmed, you will receive an invoice for $25/lambs $50/pigs or $100/beef to hold that booking. This amount will be subtracted from the slaughter fee in the final invoice.  The booking fee is only refundable if you cancel more than 2 weeks ahead. 

For Poultry, if due to heat domes, predation, or other unexpected events you experience significant mortality let us know as soon as it happens. We also plan to send reminders 2 weeks in advance of your booking date and will require poultry producers to respond with an update on their numbers (and if anything changes within the last 2 weeks please let us know as soon as possible).  

We know it can be a surprise to find your lambs are smaller or your chickens aren’t ready but with some advance planning and checking sooner rather than later it will help everything run more smoothly. 

Pricing Policy

You will see that we have had to raise prices.  We will do our best to hold that price, but we may have to make additional changes as the season progresses. Unfortunately, this business is not immune to inflation. We must be able to pay staff and cover the ever-increasing cost of supplies and overheads like insurance.   Your invoice will reflect the price at the time of slaughter not the price at time of booking.  Thank you for your understanding.

Volunteer Treasurer Wanted for Abattoir Society Board

Our current treasurer is stepping down and we are looking for a replacement. It is not an onerous position – we do have a paid bookkeeper and the accounts are on Quickbooks. Is there anyone out there who would be willing to join the board of directors to take on this role? 

Staffing Needs for 2022 season

We are looking for people to fill several positions from May to December.

Unfortunately, a business like an abattoir is always losing and seeking staff. Right now, due to the building boom and the scooping up of island workers, we are short-staffed and always threatened with closure if we cannot find people willing to do the work.

As Brian Brett wrote in 2017:

“One of the threads within the agricultural community is an abattoir, a task that can be gory and not admired by the most delicate members of a community, yet without livestock even the vegetarian community would be stressed by the lack of manure to feed the gardens. A good working abattoir can also provide composted offal to return all that energy back to our fields.

The abattoir has managed to survive and even expand, but now we are struggling once again. There’s not enough of us.

Can you help make the difference? For 2022 we will need new board members and new staff.

Work is available on a regular basis from 1 to 4 days/week depending on skills & interest. 

  • 1 for Poultry plucking (6-8 hrs Tuesdays)
  • 1 for Poultry evisceration (6-8 hrs Tuesdays)
  • 1 for Poultry bagging & labelling (4-5 hours Wednesdays)
  • 1 Meat wrapper Thursdays & irregular Mondays or Tuesdays depending on bookings.
  • Back up butcher – we have a butcher for 2 days/week but for high demand weeks additional days are needed.
  • Red meat slaughter person for Thursdays and possibly other days in the fall.  Previous experience with beef and/or pigs preferred.
  • Is there anyone with a firearm license willing to help on beef slaughter days or anyone willing to help on days we are processing pigs?

Please contact for more information.

Wanted Locally Grown & Processed Chicken

Haidee Hart of Woodshed Provisions would like to buy up to 160 chickens a month at a price around $6/lb if possible.  They will work with any farmers and a mix of chicken breeds is fine. If it’s a heritage variety its helpful if not too large boned.  If you are interested in being a supplier, please contact Haidee directly:

And please remember to check you can get the bookings you need at the abattoir before you commit to specific dates.  

November 2021 Newsletter

It’s the busiest time of the year for the abattoir and everyone is working extra hard.   We have added additional slaughter days to accommodate all the bookings to the end of the year. 

Please help keep things running smoothly. Don’t bring in more animals than you have booked. Let us know in good time if you will be bringing less so we can offer the space to someone else. Remember tags must be in the ears for sheep, pigs and beef.  And if you have special powers, please keep the storms away on processing days!

Some important information:

  • The Abattoir will be closed from January to March opening again in April 2022. 

Expansion Project- A Call for Help!

We have the funds in place to increase the size of the cut & wrap space and expand the cooler. We have applied for the building permit but don’t yet have a contractor interested in doing the work.  There is a very small window of opportunity to make this happen – work must start before the end of the year and construction completed by the end of March if we are to open again in April. If you are in the construction business or have any of the trade skills needed, we’d like to hear from you.  For more information contact Chris Clark:

Canadian Small Scale Pig Farmers Info

For our pork producers (or anyone interested in pigs) here is a resource provided to us by Jessica Law and the Canadian Association of Swine Veterinarians.

Planning for next year  

Did the drought make you rethink how many animals you are keeping over winter? Was the demand for your birds higher or lower than expected? Maybe you were frustrated because there was no booking space when you wanted it?  Please complete this short survey so we can better meet your needs in 2022.

Working at the abattoir

Like many other businesses the abattoir has ongoing staffing challenges – the work is irregular throughout the year, and we cannot pay high wages or offer housing. We are especially thankful to everyone who committed in 2021 – our regular crew and those who come in occasionally to help out. There’s Andrew our butcher who comes on the ferry from Saturna every week and Bill who comes from Victoria to cut meat at the busiest times; our regular poultry crew Mariah, Juanita and Ali assisted by Filip in the summer. Krystel helps with both poultry and meat wrapping and we were delighted to have Brad back this fall to help the red meat team of Lisa, Marilou, and Matt.

Sadly, at the end of this season we will be losing Lisa Adams who is leaving the island to seek her fortune elsewhere. We will be looking for new people to join the team in 2022. If you have the skills and a day or more a week, we’d like to hear from you. We will also train anyone interested in an ongoing commitment. Or perhaps you know a student who would like a new experience next summer or a farm intern who would like to learn about meat processing as well as crop production.

Please contact us at:

Seeking Authorized Contractors

Earlier this year the abattoir was awarded a Community Economic Recovery Infrastructure Program (CERIP) Grant for an expansion to increase processing capacity and help meet the demand for local food.

We are seeking authorized general contractors for construction of this expansion. If you would like a copy of the Request for Quotation (RFQ) and available plans please email Chris Clark before September 30, 2021 []

August 2021 Newsletter

Summer is almost done and we have a busy fall season ahead. Many thanks to all our regular staff and those who have stepped in to help us keep up with the demand. 

Some important booking information:

  • Poultry: Now taking bookings for November & December. 
  • Red Meat: Now taking bookings for lambs & pigs in November and December. 
  • Please let us know in advance if you won’t be bringing as many birds as you booked. We usually have people on the wait list but cannot fill the spots if it’s last minute.  
  • Some of you have wondered why we don’t just add more birds or animals on days of high demand.  Time is the limiting factor- the inspectors can not stay beyond their allotted hours. 
  • If you want an earlier date and don’t see any availability, send in the request anyway and you will be placed on a wait list in the event of cancellation. There is sometimes an opportunity to add another processing day if we can get staff & inspectors.  

Composter at Burgoyne Valley Community Farm

The big news this month is that the Abattoir has signed an agreement with the Salt Spring Farmland Trust to rent land at the Burgoyne Valley Community Farm to install an in-vessel composter for processing abattoir waste.  We hope to have it set up by the end of September. We are also working with the Community Energy Society with the intention of using solar as the power source. Some funding is provided by the BC Investment Agriculture Foundation and there are other funding applications pending but matching funds are still needed. Can you help? All contributions welcome from $20 to $1000 or more! We are also looking for a second-hand tractor with bucket – in working condition. Let us know if you can help in any way. Contact:

Future Planning

Are you already thinking about your plans for next year? Has the drought made you rethink how many animals you are keeping over winter? Was the demand for your birds higher or lower than expected? Maybe you were frustrated because there was no booking space when you wanted it?  The last couple of years have seen lots of you changing your plans whether it’s the number of batches of birds raised or the number of lambs being marketed on island versus sold at auction.  We have thrown out our business plan a few times now! If you know you are planning to do more, or less, in 2022 – please give us a heads up to help us plan.  We hope you’ll participate in a survey we’ll send out later in the year. In the meantime feedback is always welcome.  Send us an email at 

May 2021 Newsletter

The 2021 season is well on the way.  So far, we have been working steadily on Lamb, Pigs and Beef and the poultry season started this month.

Some important booking information:

  • Poultry: There is some room for poultry on June 1st but otherwise days are full until August.   There is a potential for extra poultry days if anyone has a large booking or we have enough demand.   Otherwise, Mariah will be keeping a waitlist for June & July dates so let her know if you are raising birds that you haven’t yet booked.
  • If you are bringing in less birds than you booked please tell Mariah well in advance so the the space can be filled. 
  • We are offering vacuum packing for poultry from June 8 for a small additional charge. Exact amount is still to be determined but likely 10 or 15 cents on the processing fee.  Please let Mariah know if you wish to use this service.
  • Red Meat: Currently there are few bookings in June. Unless we hear from farmers very soon there will only be one red meat slaughter day Thursday June 17.   From July 8 onwards there will be weekly red meat slaughter on Thursdays until December 9.  However, we will be limiting the bookings to 15 lambs a week (instead of 25-30) until new staff get up to speed.  And we are currently pausing any new beef bookings (again until the new staff are ready).

Thank you Sequoia!

As some of you might be aware, Sequoia is moving on.  Known to all on Salt Spring by his first name only, Sequoia Lesosky has worked at the abattoir since May 2013 a few months into its first year of operation. At that time Sequoia was known as a mushroom harvester and came with a variety of practical skills. He quickly picked up anything new that was needed and became a skilled poultry processor, slaughterman, butcher, and sausage maker.  He also helped with construction when the facility was enlarged, and services expanded to include beef and pork. His productivity has been prodigious – 30 lambs in a day is unlikely to be matched by his successors for a long time. He has trained and mentored countless staff and is the longest serving employee to date. He will be very much missed. Thank you, Sequoia for your long and reliable service to our community.

The Abattoir is Hiring

We are still looking for new members for the red meat team this season for kill days and for cut & wrap.   If you know of anyone who has the skills, please tell them to contact us by email: 

Canada Summer Jobs Program

Do you know anyone who wants a summer job? Under the Canada Summer Jobs Program the Salt Spring Abattoir is hiring a young person (15-30) for 3 days a week (Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday) at $16.50/hr from the end of June and into September. Work includes assisting with poultry processing, cut & wrap, facility maintenance and other tasks under direction of our regular staff. 

Waste Management

Please note any inedible waste not picked up on a slaughter day will be disposed of by the abattoir and the fee added to your invoice.  If you take the abattoirs containers, please return them rinsed within 24hrs. 

AGM 2021

On April 21st, 2021, the Annual General Meeting was held via Zoom – only 12 attendees were present.   The 2020 season was reviewed as well as challenges that we faced and are still currently facing.  The following people were elected to the 2021 Board of Directors:

  • Lisa Adams
  • Fraser Baldwin (Secretary)
  • Chris Clark (Treasurer)
  • Mark Hughes
  • Mariah Hutchinson (non-voting staff rep.)
  • Mike Lane (Vice President)
  • Anne Macey (President)
  • Danielle Osieck
  • Margaret Thomson 

Special thanks were extended to long time volunteers – David Astill for ensuring monthly water samples are submitted and to Caroline Hickman who counts up the receipts in our box at Country Grocer every month. Since 2012 a total of $20,252 has been donated by Country Grocer via this program! Thank you all for supporting our community abattoir.   

March 2021 Newsletter

The Salt Spring Abattoir will open for the 2021 season the week of March 15 for red meat and the beginning of May for poultry.  Its going to be an interesting year! 

Some important key dates:

  • 1st available date for lambs:  March 25
  • 1st available date for poultry:  May 18.  
  • June/July poultry days for 2021 are already filling up.  

To producers of beef and pigs – please advise the time of year you will want a booking and we will add potential dates to the calendar. Don’t forget it’s a requirement for all lambs, beef animals and pigs to have official tags.   

Covid Protocols

Unfortunately, the pandemic is still with us.  When dropping off livestock or picking up meat please keep your distance and wear a mask.  

New Vacuum Sealer

An enormous thank you to Anna J Pugh Law Corporation and an anonymous donor for providing us the funds to purchase a new Vacuum Sealer.  Pricing information for Vac packing poultry cuts will be posted on the website. We will order bags sized for other applications if there is interest- let us know.  

The Abattoir is Hiring

We are looking for new members for the red meat team   this season for kill days and for cut & wrap.   If you know of anyone who has the skills or who might be interested in learning new skills, please tell them to contact us by email: 

Pricing Updates

Please be aware of the new pricing for 2021, details are now posted on the Abattoir website ( Please note that there is no longer a 2% covid surcharge.  

Country Grocer Receipts

One long standing method the Abattoir has received financial support is by the Country Grocer Receipts program.   It is a simple as dropping off your receipt in bin #127.  Unfortunately, due to COVID and the way Country Grocer’s exit is now set up many people have forgotten about this option.  So next time you are in Country Grocer, don’t forget to do a quick detour left to drop off your receipt before heading out the door.

Membership Dues

Unfortunately, with last years zoom AGM many members forgot to pay their $20 member ship fees. This year we are encouraging all users to take out a membership in the Abattoir Society to show your support for this community asset.  We have a small group of dedicated volunteers working to keep the abattoir going and to respond to the needs of your farm business as well as committed staff who come back year after year because they also believe in this valuable service for the farming community on SSI.  We will be adding the membership fee of $20 to your first invoice but of course, it’s up to you if you choose not to join.

Winter Maintenance Update

Over January and February, thanks to the hard work of Murray and Sequoia, we were able to complete the annual maintenance tasks including replacing the floor in the evisceration trailer. .

And the BIG NEWS  

If you haven’t heard the good news, your abattoir, has been awarded a Community Economic Recovery Infrastructure Program (CERIP) grant of $222,525 for an expansion to increase processing capacity to support famers and meet demand for local meat. Thanks to Anne Macey for her hard work and dedication in putting together the successful application.

2021 Bookings

The one slaughter date is early January is now full.  The abattoir will open again for lambs, cattle and pigs  in March 2021 following the annual winter break.

Poultry processing starts up again in May. Don’t forget its important to book early to get the dates you want.  

Fall/Winter 2020 Newsletter

The 2020 season with all its challenges will soon be done. Thank you everyone for your business and to all our staff who have have worked hard to accommodate the additional demand this year. 

Some important key dates:

  • All poultry days for 2020 are now full.  
  • The abattoir will be closed from mid January to the beginning of March.


Its been a busy year for poultry with 1400 more birds processed than in 2019. All remaining poultry days are now full. Poultry processing will open up again in May 2021.  We are already getting bookings for 2021. Given this year’s challenges with fitting everyone in on the days requested it’s important to BOOK EARLY!  If we know what you are planning, we can make sure enough slaughter days are scheduled with the inspectors.    

2021 Poultry processing fees will be posted on the website in April; those will be the prices charged regardless of when you booked.  

Turkeys – Please note our poultry scale cannot weigh more than 30lbs. Any bird that dresses more than 30lbs will be considered “overweight” and charged an additional $10/bird.

Some people have not picked up their crates/bird carriers. Please do so as soon as possible. We will dispose of anything left at the abattoir after Dec 18. 

Red Meat

Cutting instructions  

Please be aware that completed cut and wrap instruction sheets are required for each animal being cut. These should be provided to staff when the animal is dropped off at the abattoir or at the latest the day following.  This will allow time for clarifications, help ensure no mistakes are made, and not hold up the workflow because staff do not have all the information they need.  In the interests of getting everyone’s livestock processed in the time available, staff have been instructed not to speak directly with your customers and to make the “Butcher Preferred Cut” if instructions are not clear when cutting starts for the day. 

Links to the sheets can be found on the Prices page (

January Bookings

If there are animals that still need processing, we will open for red meet bookings the first week in January weather permitting. Please let us know asap if you still have animals to book in. Our next openings will be in March. Please keep an eye on the online calendar for exact dates.

Pricing for Pig Slaughter only

If it is only slaughter service that is booked and the carcass is not cut, the slaughter cost will be $100.


It now a requirement for pigs to have official ear tags or other means of ID when they arrive at the abattoir.  The purpose is to be able to trace and contain outbreaks of disease (similar to COVID contact tracing). It applies to small scale meat production as well as large pig barns.

This is what you need to know if you raise pigs:

  • You must be registered with PigTRACE
  • Farms must have a Premises Identification Number (PID) before registering for PigTrace. If you don’t already have one contact a Premises ID Program Representative at the BC Ministry of Agriculture by phone (1-888-221- 7141) or email (, or visit their website at:
  • More information about PigTRACE can be found here:
  • Pigs going to slaughter must have either a:
    • 5-digit herd mark number applied to the pig’s shoulder or back using commercial tattooing equipment OR non-toxic livestock spray paint and homemade stencil, or
    • 5-digit PigTRACE Herd Mark ear tag, or
    • 15-digit PigTRACE Individual ID ear tag (large or small tag)
    • The 15-digit PigTRACE Individual ID ear tag must be used if sows or boars move from one farm to another farm
  • Ear tags can be purchased by calling 1-866 -300-1835

 Check out this new resource for small scale pork producers:

Salt Spring Meats Website

Please be aware that producers are encouraged to list on the salt spring meats website.   This will not only hopefully help with your sales, but it will also help our staff respond to enquiries from people for products.

Latest news:

The Abattoir Society is working with the SSI Farmland Trust and SSI Community services with the intention of establishing a composting operation at the Burgoyne Valley Community Farm capable of handling abattoir waste. More announcements to come.



With the increased cases in BC, the guidelines and extra safety precautions are still very important to follow and the Abattoir will continue to operate following these rules. If you are sick, please arrange for someone else to bring (and pickup) your animals or birds to the abattoir.

Waste Management

If you require the use of the abattoir’s waste management containers, please pick them up by noon the following day at the latest and return them rinsed within 24hrs.

August 2020 Newsletter

We are over halfway through our 2020 season and things are in full swing. 

Some important key dates:

  • Poultry Bookings – There is still some room on Sept 1st but otherwise days are full to the end of October.  Now taking bookings for Nov 10, Nov 24 and for turkeys on December 18.
  • Red Meat Bookings – All days are full in l Aug, Sept and October and filling up fast in November.  Book now if you want to bring animals in before Christmas. Don’t wait until the last minute. ..

Latest news:

New Cutting Instructions

We have new cutting instruction sheets which we would like you to use. Please make sure the completed form/s are provided to Marilou when you bring in your animals. You will see there have been some adjustments to pricing to reflect the additional time needed for carcass deboning and grinding. 


It now a requirement for pigs to have official ear tags or other means of ID when they arrive at the abattoir.  The purpose is to be able to trace and contain outbreaks of disease (similar to COVID contact tracing). It applies to small scale meat production as well as large pig barns.

This is what you need to know if you raise pigs:

  • You must be registered with PigTRACE
  • Farms must have a Premises Identification Number (PID) before registering for PigTrace. If you don’t already have one contact a Premises ID Program Representative at the BC Ministry of Agriculture by phone (1-888-221- 7141) or email (, or visit their website at:
  • More information about PigTRACE can be found here:
  • Pigs going to slaughter must have either a:
    • 5-digit herd mark number applied to the pig’s shoulder or back using commercial tattooing equipment OR non-toxic livestock spray paint and homemade stencil, or
    • 5-digit PigTRACE Herd Mark ear tag, or
    • 15-digit PigTRACE Individual ID ear tag (large or small tag)
    • The 15-digit PigTRACE Individual ID ear tag must be used if sows or boars move from one farm to another farm
  • Ear tags can be purchased by calling 1-866 -300-1835

 Check out this new resource for small scale pork producers:

June 2020 Newsletter

The Abattoir is Hiring!  If you know if anyone who might be interested, please send them our way. See below for more details.   


  • POULTRY – All poultry dates are fully booked until mid August.  We have added extra days but still not enough to accommodate everyone’s needs. Please see below for more information. 
  • RED MEAT – There will be no red meat slaughter Thursday June 25 or Thursday July 9, otherwise still lots of capacity going forward.

Please look at the on-line calendar and book well in advance to ensure you get the dates you want.

Latest news:

1.      2020 Annual General Meeting

The 2020 AGM happened May 26th. It was held remotely by ZOOM.  The 2020/21 board members and officers were elected as follows:

  • Lisa Adams
  • Fraser Baldwin (Secretary)
  • Rollie Cook
  • Mark Hughes
  • Mike Lane (Vice President)
  • Anne Macey (President)
  • Danielle Osieck
  • Chris Clark (Treasurer)
  • Mariah Hutchinson: Non-voting staff rep; replaces Sequoia Lesosky.
  • Margaret Thomson: Non-voting SSIAA liaison; replaces Tony Beck

Thanks to all who agreed to be on the board for another year and to those departing- Sequoia, Tony and Serena Hayes (our treasurer for the last 2 years).

2.      Cutting instructions

Please ensure cutting instructions for pigs & lambs are sent in with your booking or by email before dropping off animals and at the latest in writing on the day of drop off.  We need the information to determine how much staff time is needed the following week (deboning & grinding takes a lot more time than a standard cut). Andrew our meat cutter comes from Saturna and its problematic to make last minute changes.   

3.      Summer Job Placement

Our application has been approved to hire a young person between 15-30 years of age under the Canada Summer Jobs Program.  If you know of anyone who might be interested in working at the abattoir, 30 hours a week (Tuesday to Friday) at $16/hr, please tell them to email us for more information:

If we do not fill this position in the near future, we will need additional help on Tuesday poultry days and occasionally on Wednesday mornings. 

4.      Poultry Bookings

We are aware that unfortunately not everyone has been able to book their ideal dates or even the latest dates they wanted for their poultry bookings.  Please let Mariah know a week or more ahead if you are bringing in less birds than you booked so we can accommodate more people for the dates they want.  Email

As the weather warms up remember that Cornish X birds are easily distressed with heat exhaustion as they get nearer slaughter weight.  Make sure they have water readily available and consider rationing feed to slow growth if you are having to keep them longer than intended.

5.      Pricing

Given the lack of fundraising opportunities this year (no fall fair burger sales) and increases in costs of supplies, we will be introducing a small COVID surcharge in the near future.  There is a lot of interest in local meat right now and increases in the price of meat at the store so hopefully this will not impact your sales. Thank you for your understanding.

6.      Looking for somewhere to live

One of our staff needs a place to live. If you have an unoccupied small cabin or somewhere to park a camper van on your property, please contact the abattoir-



The Abattoir is an essential service and will continue to operate. We will give as much notice as possible if bookings must be changed or cancelled as a result of staff shortages or lack of availability of meat inspectors.   And if you are sick, please arrange for someone else to bring (and pickup) your animals or birds to the abattoir. In case of staff shortages, if you know of anyone, preferably with experience, who would be willing to work the occasional poultry day or to assist with cut & wrap, please contact:

Waste Management

If you require the use of the abattoir’s waste management containers, please pick them up by noon the following day at the latest and return them rinsed within 24hrs.

Country Grocer Lambs

Sequoia is coordinating lamb sales to Country Grocer.  Please contact him directly ( or 250 538 7742) if you would like to sell your lambs through him to Country Grocer.